Georgia Podiatric Medical Association PAC

Georgia Podiatric Medical Association Political Action Committee (GPMA-PAC) is a non-profit, bipartisan fundraising committee through which podiatrists support state candidates who champion podiatric medicine’s issues before the Georgia General Assembly.

GPMA-PAC enables podiatric physicians to be effectively involved where public policy decisions are made that impact how healthcare is administered and regulated in Georgia. By combining resources through contributions to the GPMA-PAC, podiatric physicians gain a stronger voice for the profession, their practices, and the patients they serve. 

When you consider the importance of legislation in creating the laws and regulations that govern nearly every aspect our health care system, the importance of supporting those who advocate for podiatric physicians and their patients is clear. Help make sure the voice of podiatric medicine is heard when and where it counts.

Support GPMA-PAC by making a contribution today!